
GoCompare media review should be an opportunity for a UK media independent

UK price comparison site is reviewing its £40m media account, a move which may give a home-grown media independent the rare chance to win a big one.

GoCompare is currently handled by Carat, moving there from MEC in 2011. GoCompare’s Gio Compario is so ubiquitous that it’s difficult to see how a media agency could have done a better job but price comparison sites are under pressure as people realise that the products featured are the ones who pay them and other providers take pot shots at them. GoCompare has promised investors it will spruce up its marketing.

Usually big media accounts go to one of the big holding company owned networks but there’s no reason why an independent or two – the UK contenders that spring to mind are the7stars and, maybe, The Specialist Works – shouldn’t be given a crack at a UK-only account.

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