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A horse walks into a bar….Budweiser cracks Super Bowl (again)

Apparently AB InBev was planning to consign its latest Clydesdale ad for Budweiser to a regional Super Bowl spot (somewhat less than $8m one assumes) but the response to its teaser and early release now means the whole of America can stifle a tear as an especially cute nag takes centre stage.

Bud’s Clydesdales are as much part of people’s expectations of the Super Bowl as Coke’s atmosphere-destroying giant trucks are each Christmas. A deft piece of work from FCB New York (if it ain’t broke…)

MAA creative scale: 9 (why resist?)

One Comment

  1. I suspect some insurance companies spots opened up, Trump will be there, and Bud needs to align as an anti-LGBTQA+++ winner again.

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