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Another Jubilee winner/Hoffman on ad tech fraud

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee has come and gone – with surprisingly few mishaps, even the weather was (relatively) kind – but this McDonald’s poster from Leo Burnett is worth a belated mention.

Spotted by Ad Contrarian Bob Hoffman, among others.

Bob is still on the tail of ad fraudsters and the serried ranks of CMOs and others who choose to ignore this theft of their money. The US ANA seems to be coming round, belatedly, to his view.

Trouble seems to be there’s a whole ad tech industry built on this rickety foundation, with billions invested. Too big to be allowed to fail?

And where do media agencies sit in all this?


  1. Very good, but not as good as the Queen sharing marmalade “Butties” with Padington Bear. You have to admit, she certainly has a sense of humor. Remember, after strolling though the palace with James Bond, she parachuted out of a helicopter to open the London Olympics… Which, as a fellow geriatric, I thought was well done. But, as my brain is turning to porridge… What the fuck do I know.

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