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FirmDecisions breakaway joins rival consultancy MediaPath

More upheavals in the increasingly busy world of media consulting: former FirmDecisions boss Stephen Broderick (below) and colleagues Fiona Foy, Tony Whittingstall and David Reid are joining rival MediaPath Compliance. Firm Decisions is the auditing and compliance division of listed media consultancy Ebiquity.

MediaPath was founded in London by Elliot Sherrington, also from FirmDecisions, last autumn.

Broderick says: “The way our clients spend their media and marketing budgets has changed significantly over the past few years and how we help our clients track that money has to change as well.

“Our aim is for MediaPath Compliance to embrace the technology now available to us, while providing clients with input and access to the audit process. This will make it easier and less time consuming for the agency groups to honour their audit obligations.

“We have developed a particular focus on the digital and programmatic supply chain and this service will be the focus of the new offices we are opening across the world this year and next”.

Last week saw the emergence of another media consultancy contender, Maximise Media Management, headed by former Accenture Media Management CEO George Patten. Accenture pulled out of media auditing to concentrate on its programmatic media planning and buying business.

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