
Publicis launches Cannes Lions AI ‘bullshit detector’

Publicis is getting cocky about AI at the Cannes Lions. When others will be boring all and sundry on the Croisette and the (paid for) beaches with the AI revolutions they are loudly trumpeting, Publicis is launching its own AI BS detector. It says it got there first with its Marcel internal AI tool in 2017.

Publicis says the BSBot lets clients record audio or upload images and text from speeches, meetings, presentations, articles and press releases about AI and, once in-putted, receive an immediate analysis that translates AI hype and jargon to real language.

Publicis CEO Arthur Sadoun says: “The only thing more widespread than AI at the moment is the noise surrounding it. Cannes will only amplify it further.

“AI is already helping to deliver some outstanding creative work and I’m sure we’ll see more of that on the Croisette. But as an industry, we are at risk of trying to make AI everything, everywhere, all at once.”

Let battle commence..

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