
Cannes Lions makes a play for luxury brands and ditches mobile for 2024

Next year’s Cannes festival will include a new Luxury & Lifestyle awards track, which CEO Simon Cook says is here to reward “disruption” in the sector, with a focus on work that “drives business performance and brand loyalty”.

Gucci won a Bronze Lion in film craft this year for a campaign with Dentsu Tokyo (pictured).

Meanwhile, the Mobile Lions have sensibly been retired in recognition of the fact that “Over the past number of years, mobile-led creativity has been expanding into almost every Lion.”

Marian Brannelly, the global director of awards, points out that luxury the sector is negotiating “the changing values of new demographics, the evolving definition of luxury in non-Western markets and the need for a heightened focus on sustainability and conscious consumption.”

All of which is true, but it’s also tempting to conclude that Cannes Lions has seen the money in luxury and wants to bring some of it into the festival. And who can blame them, especially given the French dominance of the market? Paris-based LVMH owns (among others) Louis Vuitton, Dior, Tiffany, Givenchy, and three of the best known champagnes – Möet & Chandon, Dom Pérignon, and Veuve Clicquot.

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