
Lloyds gallops into youth market with Smart Start

Lloyds Bank ads have become the Martini de nos jours – those damned black horses are the beautiful people of the Martini era. In this new one from long-serving adam&eveDDB for young persons’ account Smart Start they can even fix your bike.

“Catch ’em young” is this year’s theme for banks, hardly surprising as inertia seems the dominant factor when it comes to staying with a bank, even if it offers not much more than staying solvent (handy, admittedly.)

Marketing director Richard Warren, says (a touch gnomically): “This is the 7th ad in an 8 year campaign featuring our distinctive, iconic branded asset, the black horse. Textbook Sharp and Ritson.” A reference to esteemed prof. Mark, presumably.

Does this mean the horses have only a year to go to retirement?

A&E group ECD Ben Tollett says: “In the latest chapter of the ‘By Your Side’ campaign, we see the iconic black horse supporting a young person as she develops new skills and grows in confidence. The action is set to music (from Alicia Keys) that brings to life the effort and determination of the protagonist, with a track from one of the world’s greatest singer-songwriters.”

Undeniably watchable.

MAA creative scale: 6.

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