
Ogilvy turns Trip Advisor to advantage for Curtice Brothers

Curtice Brothers ketchup is a new one on us (apparently it’s been around in some form since 1869) and Ogilvy Berlin is giving the product a stiff test by selecting bum restaurants (according to Trip Advisor) and seeing what happens when they stock the aforementioned condiment.

And, if the answer’s hardly Le Gavroche, there does seem to be an improvement.

Curtice Brothers’ Bjoern Bremer says: “As a brand with a long restaurant history, we believe we made a difference. We brought some joy and helped them stay in business.”

Ogilvy EMEA CCO Stephan Vogel says: “The extraordinary quality of this product needs an extraordinary idea to bring to the public’s attention. A small brand needs to be brave to get noticed.”

Clever and pretty convincing from Ogilvy.

MAA creative scale: 7.

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