
Martin Agency finds the poetry in animal feed appeal

Mars animal feed brand Purina Mills is donating a dollar per pack (bale?) to look after retired horses so this, in a way, is a B2B ad.

The Martin Agency usually finds a way with the most unpromising task and goes straight for the heart here – with a poem from one Jess Vee about Sam.

Only American agencies seem able to do this without emptying the room. Maybe it’s the nature of Americana – a set of myths built on sentiment.

Clever idea to use someone else’s words too – no self-conscious copywriter would own to such feelings. Been done before of course, most notably in The Richards Group’s ‘so God made a farmer’ celebrated Super Bowl ad for Ram Trucks.

‘This old horse’ – MAA creative scale: 7.5.

One Comment

  1. Thanks for featuring our beautiful tribute to senior horses. As the #1 feed used by horse rescue shelters Purina is proud to support A Home for Every Horse. Horse feed is sold in bags (not bales). Just a note of correction, Purina Animal Nutrition is owned by Land O’ Lakes, not Mars.

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