Is Vodafone on the way to getting value out of ‘Mr Interruption’ Martin Freeman?
Vodafone and new agency Ogilvy & Mather have made a big investment in ‘hobbit’ Martin Freeman, appearing as ‘Mr Interruption’ in their debut ad (below) and now interrupting escaping robbers in an underground car park. All to show that you can get a Vodafone signal down there.
We have not been fans of Vodafone advertising down the ages and Freeman comes across as a rather chilly character. But this one at least makes a useful point (assuming it’s true) in an attempt to produce a proper campaign.
MAA creative scale: 6.5.
I live in a perfectly ordinary house in a perfectly ordinary street in London and yet I can’t get a sausage out of my Vodafone mobile at home. Never have done. Maybe I should move to an underground car park…