
Jerry Judge of Fearless Group: best ads of 2016

Best ads of 2016

Gerald Daugherty. This is an ad for Gerald but it’s about his wife. It rejects conventional political ad behaviour. And his wife does a great job.


Jack Daniels. I just wish I’d been involved in this. They could have found a better word than post card. But, hey. This is class.


Volvo. In the US, car manufacturers dramatise their similarities to each other thus wasting huge sums of money. This makes Cadillac’s self conscious US work look old fashioned. Walt Whitman in an ad for a car!! Brian Bowler and Johnny Meszaros would have applauded this. No Higher compliment.


Kosenkorva. This is thinking that is pretty close to Jack Daniels. But it’s worth noting because it’s defying all the other category conventions.

I know I should have gone for some cool banner or obscure piece of brand activation but it’s election day and I’m fed up with overthinking and Trumpian vulgarity.

This will have to do.

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