Penelope Cruz and friends grind man to dust for L’Agent
Penelope Cruz and sister Monica are back in the saddle (reverse cowgirl maybe) for L’Agent, their brand within Agent Provocateur.
And it’s lots of bumping and grinding in the desert in front of some needy chap.
Penny stays in the car, which is a shame.
If this was directed by a bloke it would be deemed outrageously sexist.
But, as we often remind you, we’re a broad church at MAA.
Obviously, this is what we have become. Ms Cruz was paid millions to “create & direct” this splendid example of cinematic art. I particularly loved the bit when the guy licked water off the ladies arse. Who the fuck needs an ad agency any more. Between Penelope and Will.I.Am, Global Brand Ambassadors and Creative Directors have it covered.
Cheers/George “AdScam” Parker