
Javier Bardem’s villain finds a soft side for Uber Eats UK

Mother London’s new Uber Eats ad stars Javier Bardem as a villain for whom world domination starts to feel like too much hard work. So what does he do? He orders an Uber Eats and settles down to enjoy a very unlikely TV show. It’s the first in a series showing “iconic figures” embracing their downtime, accompanied by the line, “When you’ve done enough, Uber Eats.”

Uber Eats is shaping up as one of the world’s best clients. The Super Bowl campaign and an Australia/New Zealand commercial (both below) also indicate clients and agencies at the top of their game.

Javier Bardem said: “Playing a bad guy can be very demanding. Even villains deserve a little downtime after a long day of being evil. And that’s exactly what Uber Eats delivers.”

Maya Gallego Spiers, head of marketing at Uber UK, said: “Our new brand platform ‘When you’ve done enough, Uber Eats’ perfectly sums up our role in people’s lives. With our signature humour and charm, this campaign reflects our commitment to being there for people who want some downtime delivered to their door.”

MAA creative scale: 9

Over in the US, Uber Eats’ Super Bowl campaign is looking like a classic of the celebrity genre, starting with this delightfully unexpected pairing of Martha Stewart and Charlie XCX. Matthew McConaughey and Greta Gerwig are also involved further down the line. By Special Group.

In Australia, Special Group is turning back time with Cher, who is utterly unafraid to send herself up.


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