
Heineken wants you to forget its beers

We overlooked International Beer Day (does the world really need another “day”) but Heineken and Publicis’ Le Pub marked it with the launch of ‘forgotten beers’ showing that beer isn’t the be-all and end-all of socialising.

Freddy Heineken himself apparently observed: “I don’t sell beer, I sell gezelligheid” (a Dutch phrase meaning ‘the feeling of good times’.).

Anticipating the day when marketers had to eschew intoxication perhaps.

Heineken CEO Dolf van den Brink says: “Of course, we celebrate our beer but what we’re most proud of is 150 years of bringing people together, something that will remain at our core for as long as we continue to produce beer.”

Bespoke single-client agencies don’t always hack it but Le Pub consistently hits the right note for Heineken.

MAA creative scale: 7.

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