
House337 wings RAF recruitment into space

House337, the former Engine Creative now self-styled as a “creative collective” under Next 15, is currently doing more than its fair share of protecting the realm. Last week it was the Royal Marines, this time it’s the RAF with “The Force Protecting Space,” a modern version of the legendary Battle of Britain “Few” warding off stray satellites and other extra-terrestrial dangers .

Even includes the kitchen staff too. At one point i thought an RAF version of the fearsome Gordon Ramsay was about to set to with his frying pan.

RAF wing commander Tracey Broome says: “The new creative for Royal Air Force Recruitment features our own service personnel who have cutting edge technology at their fingertips, with a strong focus on the increasing role the RAF plays in protecting space, House 337 has created a message which will resonate with our target audience.”

House337 creative director Christopher Ringsell says: “’Per Ardua Ad Astra’ – through adversity to the stars is the motto that has served the RAF since it was formed in 1918.

“Never has this motto been more relevant than in the modern, future-facing RAF and their growing remit to protect Space. But protecting air and space isn’t just down to the Pilots or UK Space Command, it takes a huge, combined effort from everyone. The people in the RAF really are the beating heart of the force and we want this campaign to give you a real feeling for how these roles and individual stories play out and overlap to complete tasks at hand for the greater good of the force, whatever the situation might be.”

Makes the RAF looks like quite good fun. Mind you, doubt that you can tick a box saying “space cadet” when you apply online.

MAA creative scale: 7.

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