
Lucky Generals rises to starry Super Bowl occasion for Amazon’s Alexa

If you want to try the creative big league you need Amazon on the client list. An exaggeration maybe but it sure helps to have reportedly the world’s biggest advertiser at $16.9bn to hand.

What’s now a pretty longstanding relationship has helped the UK’s Lucky Generals no end (as it has Droga5 and Joint) and the Generals have landed what’s likely to be the Super Bowl’s standout: Scarlett Johansson (no less) and hubby Colin Jost for Alexa, here bringing chaos and discord to their lovely home.

What does all this advertising do for Amazon (and Alexa?) After all, for years Amazon did without. Among other things, it allows Amazon to poke fun at itself, not something that happens with Apple or other po-faced tech giants.

At a time when the world is fumbling for ways to rein in the big tech gang, the ads give Amazon a human face too. That’s worth quite a lot, as Facebook and some of the others might usefully learn.

Worth a lot to Lucky Generals too.

MAA creative scale: 9.

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