
FCB Inferno CCO Owen Lee: my Top Tips for Cannes

Owen Lee is chief creative officer of FCB Inferno


This is a powerful example of how the brave can create social change. Spearheaded by Monika Lewinsky, and featuring an all-star cast, the knock-on effect of the #defythename campaign was momentous – rallying those on social media to defy name-calling by sharing their bullied names and denouncing it. Given Lewinsky’s experience during the Clinton Scandal, there was no one better suited to take the lead here. A bold, memorable and inspiring addition to the social change category and I expect juries will feel the same way.

Whopper Detour

If I’m permitted to support my own network, I remember first hearing this idea at our Global Creative Council and being stunned by how smart and audacious it was. It’s a perfect example of how brave clients get the brilliant marketing they deserve. Reigniting its beef with rival, McDonald’s, the Whopper Detour campaign by FCB New York was a perfect combination of technology and creativity – encouraging customers within 600ft of enemy territory to download the Burger King app to unlock a deal giving away a Whopper for one cent. A brave, smart solution to hard-nosed business problem. We all loved it and I hope Cannes juries will too.

Colin Kaepernick and Nike

The Kaepernick ‘gamble’ for Nike’s 30th-anniversary ad campaign by Wieden + Kennedy is certain to be a big hit at Cannes. Despite the critics and controversy caused, Nike’s refusals to back down managed to put them top of mind, with conversation around the campaign still igniting great debate today. Whichever camp you fall in, the work is proof of how taking risks can be hugely beneficial to a brand. Not to mention the case is a masterpiece.

So overall, every piece of creativity is an act of bravery, and I expect bravery to be rewarded with Lions.

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