
Is chirpy and cheerful the right way forward for VW ads?

Would you adam&eve it, a bummer from Volkswagen.

But actually it’s not the cultured academy in Paddington but DDB Berlin for VW’s new T-Cross, presumably a sign that VW’s T-Roc is starting a family. How many brands does VW need?

Starring Cara What’s-her-name and some seeming lookalikes.

VW has just finished reviewing all its creative agencies, hiring a WPP construct in North America along the way. DDB has been on the case in Europe for years and, generally, produced good if understated stuff with a few classics on the way – usually for the UK.

But it’s all change at Wolfsburg, still bruised from the multi-billion dollar emissions scandal. It’s even reviewing its Audi brand at BBH in the UK after 30-odd years of mostly great ads.

Chirpy and cheerful isn’t really the VW way though.

MAA creative scale: 4.

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