
Now Google tries fortune telling for French bosses

We all make our pact with Google, whether we want to or not, and here’s old Big Data trying to seduce corporate big shots into the Google Cloud (and away from Amazon’s) – by predicting their future.

It’s an interesting wheeze from French agency Herezie: buckets of data on ten leading French CEOs were fed into the cloud to predict what their next ten years would hold and then a team of ghostwriters and publishing house Cherche Midi were hired to produce ten confidential biogs. So far two of the CEOs have signed up.

And, at the start, you actually get to see the data storage – creepy.

Sir Martin Sorrell has let it be known that he sees new venture S4 Capital as a five year project. Maybe they could do a short version for him (with a copy to us).

Google is Cannes Lions’ Creative Marketer of the Year and one reason, surely, is it picks the best agencies and gives them interesting projects.

MAA creative scale: 8.

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