Former JWT boss Gustavo Martinez is doing something at WPP – but what exactly?
L’affaire Martinez rumbles on (the former JWT global boss is accused of “sex harassment and retaliation” by Erin Johnson who, as far as we know is still toiling in JWT New York’s PR department) with her lawyers accusing JWT owner WPP of being economical with the truth about his new status at the company.
They say, based on a Spanish trade title report, that he’s been promoted to WPP country manager in Spain and addressed an internal WPP meeting as such recently. WPP’s latest court deposition says he’s working on “projects” for the company.
Johnson’s lawyers say she “has a right to question Sorrell and Martinez about their failure to disclose Martinez’s full role and arguable misrepresentations at their earlier depositions.” The case has been going on for 19 months.
It shouldn’t be so difficult to discover what Martinez’ actual position at WPP is but evidence is thin on the ground. Martinez’ LinkedIn profile has him at WPP but the details only go as far as his appointment to succeed Bob Jeffrey as JWT boss (both below, Martinez left).
Does his current status at WPP matter? It may help Johnson’s lawyers establish the degree of support he’s received from WPP and, in turn, any lack of support for her.
Somebody out there must know what it is.