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Tom Denford and David Indo from ID Comms: the agency leadership crisis

On #MediaSnack this week Tom and David discuss low morale at agencies, both creative and media. They highlight the fact a recent survey of US agency workers by Campaign are suffering from declining morale.

The most worrying aspect is that morale is lowest amongst the more senior media agency staffers, driven by “lack of leadership”.

Tom and David consider whether just being worked hard leads to low morale and conclude that working hard without purpose is what leads to negative thinking.

These findings come as the leadership of the media agency industry undergoes some dramatic changes, most recently MEC’s longstanding CEO Charles Courtier stepping down to be replaced by Tim Castree from video advertising platform Videology.

Tom argues that the new generation of leaders will require new skills to those that enabled the previous generation to thrive. The battle over the next five years will be very different as the nature of media agencies and their business model evolves. Some will become more transparent, some less, some will specialize, some will diversify further.

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