
Best ads of 2016: Apple, Jimmy’s and Mars win August

August was a pretty good month for ads, boosted by the Olympics.

Our Olympics winner was ‘The Human Family’ from Apple. You’re never quite sure where Apple ads emerge from these days – in-house or TBWA – but this eschewed pyrotechnics to tell a simple story well.

Jimmy’s Iced Coffee is an interesting British start-up and it seems to have well and truly got this content business, with help from consultancy Fearlessly Frank and nifty execution from Deadbeat Films.

Mars Petcare are lucky bunnies with two of Britain’s finest – adam&eveDDB and AMV BBDO – on their books.

A&E handles Temptations cat treats mainly for the US:

While AMV has global Sheba duties:

A varied bag, then, and hardly advertising that saves the world – if it ever does. The closest to that ambition is Apple though it might have saved its money as it’s enmeshed in a gathering tax avoidance scandal.

But each one deserves its 9.

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