
Martin Agency’s Daniel Fisher: my Top Tips for Cannes

unnamedDaniel Fisher is ECD of The Martin Agency in London. Fisher was formerly deputy ECD at adam&eveDDB where he worked on, among others, John Lewis’ ‘Monty the Penguin’ and its big 2014 Cannes award winner Harvey Nichols’ ‘Sorry I Spent it On Myself.’

Prior to adam&eve he worked at CHI&Partners, Leo Burnett and WCRS, acquiring a groaning shelf of awards in the process.

The Martin Agency, based in Richmond, Virginia, is part of Interpublic and consistently one of the leading creative agencies in the US. It opened in London in 2014.

My Top Tips for Cannes

Like most people in the industry, I have a long standing love-hate relationship with Cannes. But for all the bad things people like to say about it, for me it has one giant redeeming quality that allows you to forget all the excess and the bluster and the sight of sunburnt middle aged ad execs going for the Grand Prix on the steps of the Palais. And that is that it celebrates what we do – creativity – in a way that no other awards show can come close to.

So what are my picks for this year?

REI #optoutside

I can’t tell you how much I love this idea. Not just because it is so bang on for the brand that it hurts but because convincing a retailer to close its doors on the busiest shopping day of the year is an incredible feat in itself. Apparently 150 other retailers followed their lead too.


Burger King McWhopper

This is another great example of what our industry is capable of when it is at its best. Like the REI idea, it’s a reminder that the very best ideas require the very best client relationships in order for them to fly. If I worked at the agencies behind either of these campaigns, I’d be flying the clients out to come and collect the gongs with us.

Harvey Nichols

Okay, so this one is from a brand and an agency close to my heart. But it’s brilliant, and ballsier than the people who star in it.

Under Armour Rule Yourself Michael Phelps

Phelps is one the greatest ever Olympians and this film is a fitting tribute to him, which is no mean feat. It’s beautifully simple and a perfect testament to the power of craft.

Microsoft Survival Billboard

Every year Cannes throws up a couple of surprise big winners and this is my tip for this year. It blurs categories – it’s part outdoor, part promo, part PR, part long copy ad, part cyber – it’s modern and best of all, it’s bloody good fun.

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