The theme of this week’s #MediaSnack from ID Comms is disruption and comes in three parts.
First Tom Denford talks about his observations from a marketer event he participated in last week. The event was in New York and organized by The Internationalist and the Association of National Advertisers with the theme “Setting the Global Marketing Agenda.” Other participants included Brad Jakeman from PepsiCo, Andy Markowitz from GE Performance Marketing Labs, Rob Rakowitz from Mars and Dan Vihn from Marriott.
The second topic is the disruption of the US presidential race. Tom and David discuss how the normal laws of media spend have been overturned by Donald Trump. Trump has understood the power of earned media, to date estimated at nearly $2bn in value, having spent only $10m, just a fraction of what some of the other (less successful) candidates have spent. Perhaps by being intentionally provocative, Trump has sucked the air out of his competitors’ bid for exposure. Forcing them to spend even more aggressively and so far the strategy seems to be working well.
Finally, Tom discusses a new agency shortly due to launch in London shortly. VaynerMedia are opening their London office, the first outside the US, in July. Tom met with the Vayner team in New York last week to discuss their plans and learn more about their innovative agency model.