IPG forms m:united to launch Microsoft ad blitz
Microsoft is entering the lists against Apple once more – dangerous, boys – with the first set of ads from m:united, the agency set up by Interpublic to handle its huge Microsift creative win. Aegis-owned Carat is the media bit.
Wonder what Manchester United makes of the name?
This is for its Surface Pro 3, a device that claims to be both tablet and PC. On the surface it is, although some users says it’s too heavy and clunky.
And here’s one for its Cortana voice activator, supposedly better than Apple’s Siri.
Both of them are hitting on YouTube – the first with nearly 500,000 so far, Cortana heading for two million. So Microsoft and m:united seem to be onto something.
It’s all rather lacking in personality though. But maybe that’s ‘left brain’ Microsoft for you and the agency is right to recognise it.