Maserati and W+K fluff Super Bowl debut
Can’t believe Wieden+Kennedy HQ produced this prize load of old nonsense – or completio bolloxio as they don’t say in Italy – for Maserati’s Super Bowl debut.
Maybe time was a bit short and they had to raid the basement for old old footage from their extensive dark and dramatic back catalogue. You can’t even see the car, which is called a ‘Giblet’ or Ghibli’ or something.
Ah, maybe it’s $4m of teaser ad?
The line, ‘the Complete Opposite of Ordinary,’ has half an idea in it. Beyond which I refer you to George Parker.
agreed. jeep looked like it had been lashed together out of old levi’s footage (come fourth, indeed) and test vos. as for the rest of it:
can i have gp’s gig now please… ?
As it ran for 90 seconds, it was actually $12 million, but they probably got a rebate of a couple of million or so. Bringing it down to a very “affordable” $10 million. Mucho Boloxio indeed.
To critique the obvious.
I felt I was watching something for apple. Same sort of emotion. Same sort of voice. Same sort of visual direction, et al
The “different” positioning has been done to death. What was the key “own-able” they could have pushed.
I love Maserati (can’t afford it). But it’s a beast of a car and very understated cool. It’s for those who don’t want the insecure “look at me” status.
Enough said.