
Do you want to be an account exec at W+K London?

Well do you?

Time was when you couldn’t get a job in adverts unless your dad was a senior account man or creative and even then you had to start in the post room. More recently, in London at least, you’ve needed a posh degree to add to the qualifications gained at your posh public school (and they call this progress).

No such nonsense from Wieden+Kennedy London. But if you want to join the uber-cool crew in Shoreditch it has six questions (on the agency blog, don’t send the answers to us) to ask you.

Why do you want to work in advertising?

What interests you most about W+K?

Tell us about your favourite piece of creative work, and why you like it.

Which piece of work from our site don’t you like, and why.

If you could choose five people to invite to a dinner party
(dead or alive) who would they be and why?

How many pigeons are there in Trafalgar Square?

Refreshing or what? Actually we reckon MD Neil Christie, a canny Scot, may be saving headhunter fees, having just spent all that money sending new biz director Alex Rogers to Cannes.

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