
Joint MD Lou Fielding picks her Desert Island Ads

Ok, so I’m stuck on a deserted island. I’m really hoping I’m not in some sort of ‘Triangle of Sadness’ type situation, caught up in a class war of survival with some objectionable arseholes. No, let’s say it’s just me. I’ve sorted out the basics – fashioned myself an effortlessly cool island vibes outfit, constructed a pleasingly shabby chic shelter and have foraged a nice little smorgasbord of snacky bits – now it’s time for some entertainment.

Priority one is boredom alleviation, so I need some funny stuff. Priority two is soul nourishment, so I need some old favourites that warm my heart. Priority three is inspiration to get off this island and get back to adland – so I need some brilliant work to remind me that we do so much more than just sell stuff.

Desert Island Ads

Orange Film Board – Vader

These ads work on so many levels. Yes, they’re a brilliant way of landing a simple, single-minded message to please turn off your phone. But there’s also the knowing swipe at corporate sponsorship and the grubby world of product placement. Plus, a playful commentary on the pride swallowing experience of being in the movie business. Despite this tongue in cheek cynicism, the film geek gags and clever writing actually make them joyful little odes to the movies. As someone who loves both the ads and the trailers before a film, these never failed to delight. And selfishly, in my current island stranded state, they made about 79 of them, so I’ll have plenty to keep me entertained.

Audi S4 Quattro – Nothing to Prove

I think this print ad might be the reason I got into advertising. It’s the ultimate mic drop of an ad. It’s a car ad with no car. It’s a product ad that’s actually a brand ad. It has a strong brand point of view that is also flattering to its audience. It oozes a confidence and swagger that defined Audi at the time and that many brands can only dream of. These were the heady days when car ads were really, really good.

Honda Diesel – Grrrr

And on that note, this is an all-time favourite. I need some music on this island and given no-one else is here, there’s no-one to be annoyed by me whistling this ear worm on a loop all day long. I love the story behind this ad of an engine designer who hated diesel engines. But he took that hatred and used it as a force to create something better. The gorgeous optimism of that story brought to life in an equally wonderful, animated world is so uplifting. And bang on the brand’s ethos of ‘The Power of Dreams’. – Meerkat launch ad

So with this pick, I’m indulging in a bit of personal feel good which will definitely lift my spirits when the mozzies start attacking me in the night. I worked on this campaign for three years and it was pure joy. People get all snippy about the meerkats, but you can’t argue with what a genius solution to a category problem this campaign was. When everyone has got either the words ‘market’ or ‘compare’ in their brand names, you create a fictional brand that sounds like yours, but is so much more memorable. You bring it to life with not just any old meerkat, but with a Heffner-slash-Sugar-slash-Abramovich type who captures peoples’ imaginations. Then you build an entire brand world and set of brand behaviours around that character, without ever entertaining the idea that he might not be a real, err, meerkat. Simples.

Bodyform – Viva la Vulva

The work that this brand has done to break down taboos and celebrate women’s bodies in all their wonderful glory speaks for itself. And the craft in this ad is just brilliant. It’s inventive, playful, mesmerising and funny. But the power of the message hits hard. I’m so inspired that on my little island I’ve gone off to find all the items that look like vulvas and am currently recreating this ad using an array of tropical fruits and seaweed. I fear I might have gone full Tom Hanks, please send help.

Lou Fielding is managing director of independent agency Joint.

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