
MAA blast from the past: M&S’ Mrs Claus from Y&R

Seems odd to be reviving a snowy Christmas ad when the UK is in the midst of a most unseasonal heatwave but agencies across the land are putting the final touches to their Christmas efforts.

Advertisers, of course, will be fretting about putting all their eggs in the Christmas basket. How many will chicken out and plump for a cut-down version to save money?

One of the best such ads of the last decade was this from Y&R (or Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R for its full moniker) in 2016. We have Mrs Claus, memorably impersonated by Janet McTeer, directed by Tom Hooper.

Made, interestingly, when Y&R had just lost the M&S account. Maybe they decided they might as well go for it.

Three minutes is maybe a bit long, certainly wouldn’t happen now. Not least because there aren’t that many agencies today with the skills.

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