MAA Ad of the Week: AKQA and Megaforce for Levi’s
Every now and then an ad appears which restores your faith in the old trade – every now and then. Last year it was ‘Open Spaces’ from Burberry and director collective Megaforce, four stylish characters in a field but stylish in a way that eludes most advertisers.
Now Megaforce director Leo Berne is back on the case, this time for Levi’s and AKQA San Francisco, tracking a pair of 501s through 50 years to, among other things, promote Levi’s sustainability drive.
An interesting back story then and one that doubtless required weeks of work. But what really lifts the ad is – its style. It has the same kind of images as loads of other ads aimed at this audience but, in AKQA and Megaforce’s taste-meister hands, they just look better.
MAA creative scale: 9.