We Are Social tries an extended road trip to “debunk the myths” of Audi’s electric e-tron
Has there ever been a major industrial development that’s caused more disruption, excited more interest and led to fewer sales than electric cars?
Audi UK is taking a different tack, agency We Are Social signing up presenters Georgie Barratt and Ortis Deeley (me neither) to take an extensive road trip to “debunk common electric car myths” – like you can’t find a charger – in an Audi e-tron.
(There’s a lot of it but you get the message early on.)
Aren’t these new-style presenters wonderful? Irrational enthusiasm is the order of the day. Ortiz (presume it’s Ortiz) is even excited about going to Brussels.
Audi UK social media lead Emma Page says: “As technology continues to reshape the automotive sector, leading the charge for championing its adoption is essential for future proofing our business. We’re looking to educate consumers about the benefits of electric cars, and support them in making the transition, should they choose to.
“With Ortis and Georgie, We Are Social have found the perfect ambassadors to bring our message to life, and the fact that people can customise their own car and even book a test drive through Facebook means social can contribute to every aspect of the sales funnel.”
Seems to make sense. At least Emma and her social media chums are getting something done. Elsewhere in Audi they’re still trying to decide who’s going to handle their mainstream ad account, incumbent BBH or Engine. It’s a procurement-led pitch it seems. Do these procurement johnnies ever factor in the cost of never-ending pitches?
This one – MAA creative scale: 6.