
Paul Simons: the ad that restored my faith in advertising

The latest in our tribute to late MAA partner Paul Simons.

It is a rare and pleasant moment when a TV spot breaks through the clutter of creative wallpaper with a storming piece of excellence.

Audi does it with its  latest ‘Clowns’ ad from BBH which, to my shame, I’ve only just caught up with. Sondheim’s ‘Send in the clowns’ as the audio is one of those rare moments, and what a fantastic product demo, done with style, imagination and relevance.

A compelling and highly entertaining series of potential driving mishaps caused by clowns on the road where the car anticipates the situation. The full stop is “Audi technology, clown proof.”

Well done Audi and BBH, this a great example of why I wanted to work in advertising all those years ago!

PS Creative Scale:: 10/10

One Comment

  1. 100% with you on this Paul. Has to be one of my favourite ads for a long time. It’s a fine example of how a product demo Ad can be emotionally engaging while still communicating a product’s features and benefits – yes, the classic features and benefits, without a purpose insight. And, to cap it all, production craftmanship at its best. Superb.

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