D&AD Black Pencils go to Droga5, W+K, and AMV BBDO
D&AD has awarded its highest accolade, the Black Pencil, to three ad campaigns this year.
Droga5 New York’s “The Truth is Worth It” for the New York Times won in the TV Commercial Campaigns category; Wieden + Kennedy’s “Dream Crazy” for Nike won in the Integrated category; and AMV BBDO’s “Viva La Vulva” for Libresse won in the Direction category.
Droga5 also won Best Agency, while adam&eveDDB took second place. Adam&eveDDB was the top ranked agency at Cannes in 2018 but, judging by the D&AD awards, looks unlikely to do anywhere near as well in the South of France next month: its first Cannes without any of the founding partners could be a tricky one, especially when they have set their bar so high in recent years.
Adam&eveDDB’s high D&AD ranking was largely due to the same Project 84 and #TrollingIsUgly work which has already won a lot of Lions, so won’t be eligible this year. The agency’s more recent campaigns were less awarded, with John Lewis & Partners bringing in only a couple of minor coloured Pencils at D&AD for “The Boy and the Piano” and “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
However, adam&eveDDB did win a new D&AD category, Collaborative, for its work with John Lewis & Partners. The new award recognises brave, innovative and successful collaborations between clients and agencies.
Like Cannes Lions, D&AD awarded its top marketer award to Apple, and in addition named two runners up: The New York Times and Mars.
The US was the top country with 223 awards, way ahead of the UK in second place with 158 awards. Germany came third with 40 awards.