
Deutsch opens a winner for Busch Super Bowl debut

AB Inbev, about to be the owner of SAB Miller, is by far the world’s biggest beer company and it looks like being the Super Bowl’s biggest benefactor too. We’ve already seen two efforts for Bud Light (didn’t like those) and one epic for Budweiser.

Now its Busch brand, the leader in the high-volume value beer segment (whatever that may be) is making its SB debut with the “Busch Guy,” someone who likes opening the can ‘cos it goes “BUSCHHHHH.” Or more BUSCHHHHH than other cans anyway.

AB InBev marketers have been avoiding the taste conundrum with theological-type ingenuity for years. But this is a new/old spin. Weren’t there lots of ads back in the day that majored on the sound made opening a can, bottle or something? Schweppes? From Deutsch New York.

But this is a masterly job by Deutsch, it evens gets the taste in. There are longer versions around on YouTube which are actually very funny but this is the SB cut and it does the job well.

MAA creative scale: 7.5.

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