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Carly Bedford and David Indo of ID Comms: rise of the media robots

On this week’s #MediaSnack David is joined by ID Comms Client Services Director Carly Bedford to look at the way media is changing.

The big news of the week is that Danish AI media agency Blackwood 7 is coming to London and partnering with the7stars, a UK independent media agency with a good reputation.

Blackwood 7 was launched in Denmark in 2013, and now successfully operates in Germany and the US and manages approximately €400m of client billings. The agency claims 25%-50% improvement in media effectiveness and absolute transparency for their clients.

David and Carly argue that new businesses disrupting the media landscape are a great thing for advertisers, offering more choice in terms of how they invest and how they track and deliver media plans.

Next, they reflect on this year’s pitches and the prospects for 2017, focusing on the three key questions that clients are asking as they prepare for a new year.

These are:
– How to future-proof my business and my relationships with my media agency?
– What are the key areas in my contract that I need to tighten up?
– How do we as an organisation (client side) continue to keep media high on the corporate agenda?

Interestingly they note that very few of them are talking about price reductions.

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