
Can Ogilvy’s ads bring European Parliament to life?

Elections are always with us (we’re supposed to be in the early stages of the next British General Election and it doesn’t happen until May 2015). And, of course, we’ve got the forthcoming referendum on Scottish independence, which promises to be interesting.

Next year there are elections for the European Parliament, a truly unknown quantity for most Brits anyway, and agency Ogilvy is struggling manfully to make it mean something for, one suspects, rather apathetic voters all over the currently rather battered continent.

Hmm. My friend George Parker of Adscam fame is certainly not impressed, seeing it as another example of the content-free vapouring produced by BDAs (Big Dumb Agencies).

And, as ever, George has a point. But what do you say? I’d be quite interested to discover what exactly the European Parliament does and whether or not any of its (well-rewarded) members actually make a difference.

But that might be a job for a documentary (which nobody apart from me would watch, of course) rather than an ad.

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