If you thought the big news of last week was President Biden’s well-presented and enthusiastically received (by all except the MAGA “Morans”) State of the Union address, you would be wrong. The really big news was that Rupert Murdoch, who single-handedly created the MAGA “Moran” horde, is now engaged to be married, yet again. This for the sixth time at the ripe old age of NINETY FUCKING TWO.
The wedding is set for June at his California estate and vineyard, called Moraga. Surely MAGA would make more sense. The bride to be is retired scientist Elana Zhukova, who just happens to have a daughter who was married to Roman Abramovich..Dearly beloved of Chelsea fans and the guy the U.S. government described as a Russian oligarch when they seized his yacht.
Why my fascination with Murdoch, who I usually refer to on AdScam as the “Wizened of Oz?” Because back in the seventies I had the unfortunate experience of working on the Sun account. This was shortly after the introduction of the Page 3 Topless Bimbos. The editor at the time who was responsible for this, Larry Lamb, was a next-door neighbor and drinking mate of mine in Wimbledon.
He insisted that Page 3 models were “nice girls” (as “big-breasted girls look like tarts.”) Yes indeed, Larry. Coincidentally, my neighbor on the other side was Cynthia Lennon and her son Julian. She and my wife, Maureen, got on like a house on fire as they were both Liverpudlian birds who loved to slag weirdo Yoko Ono whilst quaffing G&T’s.
Anyway, back to the “Wizened of Oz.” We used to have meetings on a Friday night to discuss next week’s ads, and the size of the page 3 tits. Murdoch would show up close to midnight, usually attired in a tux, ‘cos he was out with fellow rich buggers. He would take fifteen minutes destroying everything we had done, then depart and be chauffeured off to an uber-expensive night spot.
Fortunately, I got out long before the various scandals hit, i.e. hacking the phones of murder victims and others (below), supporting the rise of Donald Trump and Tony Blair and coughing up mega-millions to make the Dominion voting machine company go away.
One drunken evening I asked Larry Lamb to what did he attribute the success of the Sun to… “Tits and arse,” he replied… “Tits and arse.” Perhaps they should have stuck to their knitting.
On a final note, I wonder if Trump and Blair are on the wedding guest list… “Tits and arse, indeed.