Richard Brim on what Cannes Lions has become
Humour seems to be raising its head at Cannes this year (the Festival starts at the weekend and goes on and on…) with Havas and Campaign debating the issue (subscription required.).
No doubt there’ll be others as a succession of purpose winners batters us into submission.
As to whether or not we need more humour adam&eveDDB CCO Richard Brim (above), as ever, hits it on the head: “The answer to this question will always and should always be a big fat yes, and it feels like we have forgotten this a little bit as an industry. Nothing will make this more obvious than the work we will see winning next week at Le Cause en Sea.”
One of the reasons why humour is important in all walks of life is that it mercilessly highlights pomposity and self-importance. Le Cause en Sea does so with pinpoint accuracy.