
The7stars wins Bensons for Beds UK media

Independent UK media agency the7stars has won Bensons for Beds, one of the UK’s largest beds retailers. Bensons for Beds has 179 stores and owns the Slumberland brand.

The account was formerly with VCCP and Syzygy. The7stars won out against PHD and Wavemaker in a pitch handled by Aperto.

Bensons for Beds is now backed by specialist European retail sector investor Alteri with a three-year investment programme.

Bensons for Beds marketing director Helen Nunn says: “We’re very much looking forward to working with the7stars as we embark upon our three-year transformation programme and the opportunities that lie ahead to reach new audiences.

“The team at the7stars demonstrated a clear vision to support us in achieving our short and longer-term objectives as well as their proven experience in transformation growth. Digital transformation is key to our strategy and the team will enhance our capabilities in achieving an omni-channel strategy.”

Agency founder Jenny Biggam says: “We are incredibly excited to start work for Bensons for Beds. It’s a business with a huge opportunity and very big ambitions. During the pitch process we discovered the importance of a good night’s sleep and the value that consumers place on the perfect bed. We have some great ideas to convert enlightened consumers into happy Bensons’ customers.”

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