Younger staff could lead way out from Covid-19 lockdown – which should be a relief for agencies
At some stage we’ll have to go back of work, meaning the office. At least some of us will, probably single people under the age of 30 who don’t live with their parents. That’s what the FT thinks the Government is discussing behind closed doors (or via Zoom.)
The lockdown in the UK is likely to be renewed for the most part next week although there’s currently talk about schools being re-opened after the Easter holidays. Youngsters are deemed less likely to die from the virus (although some do.) How we’d cope with the scrum of parents at the school gates is another matter.
But some tentative steps towards normal service look like they’re on the cards in the UK and elsewhere unless the virus gets a second wind, which some medics fear it will. There’ll be a monumental argument about it on the lines of “jobs or lives.”
When the global lockdown is eased, as inevitably it will be and is already in China and other Asian countries, agencies (and digital businesses) may find themselves, strangely, in the vanguard. Most have young workforces who, before the virus, earned enough to live in their own flats. How flat-sharing fits into this putative scheme we know not.
So they’d be in a position to come back to work early – albeit by taking a risk. But most will know that if they don’t get back into the office soon to co-ordinate efforts to persuade clients to spend again, there won’t be an office to go back to.