
Ogilvy hits surprise global winners for Ikea catalogue

Ikea’s global strategy of giving local agencies plenty of freedom seems to be paying off all over the world. Here are two very different – but equally good – films, both from Ogilvy agencies in countries that don’t usually hog the creative limelight.

Memac Ogilvy in Dubai may have been inspired by BBH Singapore’s “Human Catalogue” work for the brand, but the idea of an Ikea guru who knows every page of the brochure and uses his knowledge to help people feels very fresh and funny.

Ogilvy Greece tells the story of a girl who does her best to make her new dog feel part of the family, but it’s only when the much-loved pet is reunited with his best pal from the dog sanctuary that he truly feels at home among the soft furnishings.

MAA creative scale: 9

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