BBH brings home the horror of domestic abuse for Refuge
Bartle Bogle Hegarty has created a new campaign for Refuge to raise awareness of the stastic that 90 per cent of domestic abuse is witnessed by children.
The short film shows a boy covering his eyes and counting, but he’s not playing hide and seek – he is distracting himself from the abuse going on around him.
Picturehouse Cinemas are partners for the campaign, and will be showing the film before every “15” certificate film screening in all 25 of its cinemas.
Sandra Horley, chief executive of Refuge said: “Never before in Refuge’s history has such a major campaign been launched. The unprecedented exposure that ‘Hide and Seek’ will receive is phenomenal. With one in four women experiencing the issue and two women a week being killed by a current or former partner, I have no doubt that the impact of this campaign will save and change many lives.”
MAA creative scale: 7