It’s that time of year when agencies should beware of hovering Hornbys. Last year Johnny Hornby, who heads The&Partnership, launched an audacious raid on Toyota Europe, snatching the £150m plus account from Saatchi & Saatchi.
This year it’s Grey on the end (a WPP sibling of sorts) which finds its 50 year tenure on Procter & Gamble’s Lenor account sundered as the Europe-wide business moves to T&P’s London flagship agency CHI&Partners. This is CHI/T&P’s first P&G account.
T&P, 49 per cent owned by WPP, has access to GroupM’s media prices, one of the reasons behind its successful re-creation of the full service agency model, incorporating creative and media effectively under one roof, on some accounts anyway – including Toyota through its m/SIX media operation.
M/SIX, led by CEO Jess Burley, has also been busy, hiring Anna Foster from TMW Unlimited as its first global chief data and customer officer (a CDCO!) and Adrian Parris from MEC as CFO. M/SIX claims to be the UK’s fastest-growing media network with clients in the UK, continental Europe, Canada and the US.
This is an updated version of an earlier story.