
Women all over the place: pants from YSL, YouTube faves and three admen in good books

A new YSL fashion campaign in France to mark Paris Fashion Week has caused a worlwide storm by showing rather underweight models showing their knickers. It is the week of International Women’s Day after all – tsk, tsk. The ads are by Dutch duo Inez and Vinoodh.

Actually they are a bit much. But an international incident?

Also this week YouTube has released a list of the ads most watched by women. They’re the usual suspects: Always, Dove, P&G’s ‘Mom’ and Nike’s empowering campaign.

A couple of unexpected ones though: this Super Bowl effort from Pokemon.

And Momondo’s excellent ‘The DNA Journey.”

Which show – what exactly? That women sometimes think about things other than being a woman? Deep waters..

I see also that Maxus UK CEO Nick Baughan has been named as one of Management Today’s “agents of change” driving gender equality. The IPA’s Tom Knox also gets a mention as does Richard Robinson of Oystercatchers. Maxus does lots of good things actually, not just for women.

Well there we are then. Think it’s time for a quiet lie down.

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