YouTube names its big UK and global Xmas winners
It’s still only the first week of December but YouTube has published its list of Christmas winners – in the UK and around the world. The list is based on paid views (not sure it should be), organic views and how much of a video people watched. So, presumably, long jobs score highly even if you give up in despair half way through. Most of these we’ve covered so we’ll only show the ones we haven’t. Here’s the UK list.
1. Sainsbury’s “The greatest gift” by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
2. John Lewis “Buster the Boxer” by Adam & Eve/DDB
3. Marks & Spencer “Christmas with love from Mrs Claus” by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R
4. Waitrose “Home for Christmas” by Adam & Eve/DDB
5. Burberry “The tale of Thomas Burberry”
6. “Get more out of giving” by St Luke’s
7. Asda “Big dilemma” (series) by Saatchi & Saatchi London
8. Argos “Christmas yetis” by CHI & Partners
9. Aldi “Kevin the carrot” by McCann UK
10. Boots “The gift of beauty” by Mother London
Nothing much to argue with there although John Lewis agency adam&eveDDB may jib about being pipped by Sainsbury’s.
And the world (bearing in mind it doesn’t go as bonkers about Christmas as we do) and some biggies, like Microsoft’s current effort, come out later.
1. John Lewis “Buster the Boxer” by Adam & Eve/DDB
2. Sainsbury’s “The greatest gift” by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
3. Burberry “The tale of Thomas Burberry”
4. Edeka “Zeitschenken” by Jung von Matt
5. Coca-Cola “Neste Natal, agradeça com Coca-Cola” – (we showed you the Kossovo version)
6. Apple “Frankie’s holiday”
7. Marks & Spencer 2016 “Christmas with love from Mrs Claus” by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R
8. H&M “Come together” by Adam & Eve/DDB
9. Temptations “Keep them busy” by Adam & Eve/DDB
10. Heathrow Airport “Coming home for Christmas” by Havas London
The last one’s a bit weird – do you choose an airport? Three from A&E, still the kings (and queens) of Christmas.
A pretty good bunch though.