Is there a better bellwether of public opinion that what they wish to shred? And so this week and on an ongoing basis we will peer into the highly sophisticated data feed that is provided by Snapfax, a Fax Machine fed from the internet and attached to a single shredder, to discover who are this week’s favourite shreds.
Built for the analogue pre-Millennial Generation X and Y who prefer to experience their social media converted back into analogue Brothers and Sisters is confident Snapfax represents a significant study of the true feelings of the part of the nation who still struggle with constant software updates, demented reality and equipment that is CD Rom compatible.
To give some context we have seen over the past months since our June launch some regular and consistent shreds. Mr Donald Trump remains a classic shred, as does Boris Johnson, who post-Brexit nearly brought the entire single fax machine network to its ribbon. It would appear our high net worth slightly greying demographic has a sustained and consistent dislike for both of these characters.
Trump remains in our inaugural MAA chart this week but eclipsed by the two out in front, both of whom have kept the Fax Machine on the edge: The pesky IPhone 7 and Big “One Match Only” Sam.
We have deep-dived into the big data and shredded paper basket to discover that Big Sam’s shredding pattern was a two day frenzy, dominating the network those two days. iPhone 7 instead has been a constant steady whirring all week.
In truth Putin and Trump are lagging this week and but we see them consistently used as go-to default content at moments of extreme daytime office lag, such as conference calls and, occasionally, bathroom breaks. In these moments we have discovered via qualitative research our user will reach for a simple quick guaranteed satisfying shred. Trump and Putin seem right now to fulfill this role for our user base.
Taylor Swift this week has sneaked into the Chart at number 5 but we predict that this is an anomaly stat driven by a small non-typical but active early adopter Millennial user base Snapfax has picked up over the last two months.
But this week ultimately it’s the IPhone 7 that shreds supreme