Tom Denford and David Indo from ID Comms: the seven billion dollar media man
On this week’s #MediaSnack Tom and David review news that P&G have hired a new global media director, pinching the impressive Gerry D’Angelo from Mondelez to lead their global $7.2bn media operations. Media is a massive business driver for P&G, accounting for more than ten per cent of total global sales, so it needs to work hard.
It is interesting timing as P&G recently moved their US business into Omnicom ‘start-up’ Hearts & Science. It may be coincidental that Hearts & Science have announced the launch of a UK agency at the same time that P&G are “reviewing their UK media agency requirements.”
Next, Tom and David announce the launch of an ID Comms Global Survey looking into Media Training, something which the ANA highlighted this year as a big gap on the client side. You can contribute to the survey here.
Finally, more focus on Hearts & Science as Tom and David discuss the ‘zero-margin’ deal apparently offered by Omnicom to land the McDonald’s creative and media duties in the US.
They argue that while this is a nice idea on paper and a sure-fire way to make sure your agency resources are laser-aligned with your business objectives, it also requires deep faith and trust on both the client and agency sides.
It is somewhat of a gamble, but a good innovation if successful. Overseeing the deal from the agency side is Wendy Clark, an ex-Coca-Cola executive who will be very familiar with value-based payment models.