
World Cup shouldn’t be a matter of life and death – whatever the Chilean miners say in this new ad

Here’s an ad for Chile’s World Cup football team from Banco de Chile featuring the Chilean miners who got stuck underground following a mining accident shortly after the 2010 Word Cup and were, miraculously, rescued.

Brave men all, of course, and the spokesman here is one of their leaders, Mario Sepulveda. He’s comparing the so-called ‘group of death’ – Spain, the Netherlands, Australia – Chile find themselves drawn in in this summer’s competition with the travails he and his friends went through (at least that’s what I think he’s doing).

Hang on a minute, this is bloody football. A game, last time I looked.

Various members of the ad commentariat have pronounced this moving, inspiring, the best thing since the last over-the-top commercial. Well they’re muppets, it’s exploitation.

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