National sweetheart Ennis-Hill wins gold for Santander
This campaign from Santander is hardly likely to feature in anyone’s Desert Island Ads but this latest spot is the most recalled ad on UK television at the moment according to Marketing.
So what do we have? A celebrity in Jessica Ennis (or Ennis-Hill as we now have to call her), a number of winning offers (interest, cashbacks) from Santander’s 123 current account and, last but not least, a brown labrador dog. Plus a bit of Jackson Five. You’ve also got a complete twerp who’s just opened a 123 account but I guess that’s deliberate.
Is it just me or has Jessica gazumped fellow sports stars Jenson Button and Rory McIlroy in this campaign by Havas? I guess they’re both busier than her at the moment: Jenson chasing unavailingly after Sebastian Vettle and Rory trying desperately to get the ball in the hole with his new Nike clubs.
You can’t knock it (too hard) if it works but it looks like another example of the ABM-ication of lots of current UK TV advertising. But maybe it never went away.