
Why now is a good opportunity to support MAA

There are many good causes in the world far more deserving than us but donations from readers are an important part of our DNA and 2024 may prompt even more generosity.

Why does More About Advertising matter? It’s free, unlike most of its peers and tries its damndest to be independent and report the ad business as it is, which is not always how it presents itself. This is actually rather good for the industry as the truth (usually) outs in the end.

So your donations (and people and companies have donated generously over the years) matter to us and, maybe, might do some good.

We’ve had a good 2023 with a record number of readers from across the world and a growing number of valued Partner Content advertisers who see the benefit in gaining coverage and frequency in a trusted editorial environment.

If you’d like to help us in 2024 you can donate here or via the top right hand Contribute box.

Thanks, as always, for your time and support.

MAA Team.

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